Stitching the edges of the opening together causes suture line tension, represented by the distortion of the parallel muscle fibers. 如图中扭曲的平行线所示,将疝缺损的边缘缝合制造了张力。
The next most important complication of gastric surgery is leakage at a suture line. 胃手术的其次最重要的并发症是缝合处漏。
Objective: To reduce the rate of bleeding in suture line of gastrointestinal tract after anastomosed by instrument. 目的:减少器械吻合和缝合消化道术后并发出血的发生率;
Furthermore, the degradation rate of the surgical suture line of chitosan must match up to the cicatrization speed of wound. 认为在制备手术缝合线之前有必要对壳聚糖进行预处理,此外缝合线降解的速度应与伤口愈合的速度相互匹配。
Biomechanical analysis of suture line stress in the end-to-side anastomosis 搭桥、分流手术中分流管端侧交接缝合处的受力分析
Application of chitosan to the surgical suture line 壳聚糖在可吸收手术缝合线中的应用
Complications included minor intraperitoneal infections in 2 patients, leaking of the staple line or suture line in 1 patient, abdominal pain in 4 patients, nausea and vomiting in 2 patients, transaminase concentration marginally higher in 1 patient. 并发症及毒副反应有:轻度腹腔感染2例,吻合口漏1例,腹痛4例,恶心呕吐2例,转氨酶轻度升高1例。
Ames tests showed that different doses of the leaching liquor of polypropylene suture line could not induce dose-dependent increase of revertant colonies. Ames试验:聚丙烯缝合线浸提液各剂量组间没有引起剂量相关性回变菌落数增加,对鼠伤寒沙门氏菌无诱变作用。
Cytotoxic tests showed that relative growth rate of cultured cells day 2 and day 4 with polypropylene suture line were 98% and 80% respectively. Polypropylene suture line had no cytotoxic effects. 细胞毒性试验:聚丙烯缝合线在细胞培养第2d和第4d的相对增殖度分别为98%和80%,无细胞毒性作用。